CS456 - Systems Programming
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Video Links
- Setting up your KDE environment.
- Setting up your Windows environment.
- (Dr. Kinne) Logging into the CS server via Windows, Mac and Linux
- Programs: putty for Windows, terminal and ssh for Mac, ssh for Linux
- Self check: Did you get a username and password for your course?
- Make sure you can connect from your home computer.
- (Dr. Kinne) Using the Linux shell 1
- Commands: pwd, ls, cd, cp, mv, mkdir, rmdir, ls
- (Dr. Kinne) Transferring files
- Programs: FileZilla, or WinSCP, or sftp
- (Dr. Kinne) Text files
- Commands: more with spacebar, or less with arrows and q, or pico, or emacs, or vim
- (Dr. Kinne) Using the Linux shell 2
- Commands: ps, top with q, man, hostname, whoami, finger, clear, grep, wc, tail, head, bc
- Short cuts: ., .., ~, TAB
- Redirects: <, >
- Pipes: |