chmod a+x
#!/bin/bash function box() { declare -i n=$1 r c; for ((r=0; r<n; r++)) { for ((c=0; c<n; c++)) { echo -n "*"; } echo; } } # Print a 10x10 box: box 10
#!/bin/bash function pyramid() { declare -i n=$1 r c s a; let s=n-1; let a=1; for((r=0; r<n; r++)) { for((c=0;c<s;c++)) { echo -n " "; } for((c=0;c<a;c++)) { echo -n "*"; } echo; let s--; let a+=2; } } pyramid 10
#!/bin/bash declare -i idx=1; # or let idx=1; for param; do echo "$idx: $param"; let idx++; done
#!/bin/bash let total=0; # Always quote variables that may contain a filename as filenames may contain # spaces. # Iterates over the positional parameters, placing their values in f one at a # time: for f; do let size=$(stat -c%s "$f"); printf "%12d %s\n" $size "$f"; let total+=size; done printf "Total = %d\n" $total;
#!/bin/bash read rows cols < <(stty size); let row=rows/2; let col=cols/2; let pen=0; tput clear; while true do tput cup $row $col; if (( pen )); then echo -n -e "#\b"; else echo -n -e " \b"; fi read -n 1 -s key; case $key in [wW]) if (( row )); then let row--; fi ;; [sS]) if (( row < rows-1 )); then let row++; fi ;; [aA]) if (( col )); then let col--; fi ;; [dD]) if (( col < cols-1 )); then let col++; fi ;; [qQ]) break ;; *) let pen^=1 ;; esac done
function float() { local _v _lval _rval _val; for _v; do if [[ $_v =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+=[^=] ]]; then _lval="${_v%=*}"; _rval="${_v#*=}"; else _lval=; _rval="$_v"; fi _val=$(echo "$_rval" | BC_LINE_LENGTH=0 bc -l); if [[ $_lval ]]; then eval $_lval="'$_val'"; else # If no assignment is made, simply echo the result: echo "$_val"; fi done } # It's a good idea to quote anything with wild-card characters in them, though not # always necessary: float v=5.234 x=1.23*2.10; # Printf supports "floats": printf "v=%f, x=%.4f\n" $v $x; # Unlike with 'let', variables must be expanded in the rval before passing to float: float "z=$v*$x"; echo $z; float "tau=3.1415927*2"; float "sqrt($tau)"; float a=1/3; echo "$a";