1. Command to change your password? passwd 2. Command to return to your home directory? cd cd ~ 3. 'cp' commands to do the following: a) Copy the file 'foo' as 'bar': cp foo bar b) Make a copy of the directory 'dir1' and _all its contents_ as 'dir2': cp -r dir1 dir2 c) Copy all the files _in the current directory_ to the directory '~/.trash/': cp -r . ~/.trash/ d) Copy a directory "foo" to "bar" preserving all the meta-information about the files: cp -a foo bar 4. How would you use "scp" to copy the directory "foo" to the home directory of "user" on the machine "host.indstate.edu"? scp -r foo user@host.indstate.edu: 5. How would you rename the file "foo" to "bar"? mv foo bar 6. "ls" command to list ALL the contents of a directory in long format, sorted in reverse by last modification time? ls -a -l -r -t or ls -alrt 7. How would you use "mkdir", in a single invocation, to make the sub-directory path "a/b/c" _in your home directory_? mkdir -p ~/a/b/c 8. "chmod" commands to do the following (assume filename is 'foo'): a) Make a file readable only by the owner and with no permissions for anyone else: chmod u=r,go= foo chmod 400 foo b) Make sure that a file is readable by everyone, but w/o modifying the other permissions, whatever they may be: chmod a+r foo c) Make the file readable and writable by the user, readable by the group and no permissions for other: chmod u=rw,g=r,o= foo chmod 640 foo d) Make the file fully accessible by the user, no permissions for the group and readable by other: chmod u=rwx,g=,o=r foo chmod 704 foo