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Steps to install sac:
Default installation:
Installs sac, rawtmp, writetmp and wcat in /usr/local/bin and the manual
pages in /usr/man/man[18]/
0) Get the latest here: ftp://mama.indstate.edu/linux/sac/
1) make install
Custom installation:
1) edit "Makefile"
- Set ARCH to SOLARIS for solaris machines,
BSD for BSD based machines like FreeBSD, or
LINUX for linux machines.
- Change RADIUS_DIR to reflect your radius accounting files location.
If you're detail file is located in /usr/adm/acct/termserver/detail
then set RADIUS_DIR to /usr/adm/acct, and use '-R termserver' on the
command line to refer to the specific detail file.
- Change DETAIL_NAME to reflect the name of your detail file.
- Set USE_FRAMED_IP_ADDR option to 1 to use Framed-IP-Address for the
users hostname instead of NAS-IP-Address.
- Change BINDIR to put sac and rawtmp in a directory other than
- Change MANDIR to put the manuals in a different directory (such as
- Change SAC_DEST, RAW_DEST, WCAT_DEST and/or WRITETMP_DEST to change the
name of the sac, rawtmp and/or writetmp binaries.
2) make
- Makes everything, optional.
3) make install
- Makes everything if needed then installs sac.