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Displaying projects/sac/THANKS

  Thanks go out to the following people who have helped me debug and extend
sac to the pinnacle of perfection that it is. =)

Ian Harris
  - Found bug in the way sac releases logins when EOF is reached that made
    clipping not perform correctly (only for logins currently active).
  - Suggested extending -s and -e options to allow for more precision than
    just days. Thus: mm/dd/yy [hh:mm[:ss]] (implemented as -M [hourrange]
    for the time being).

Jason Lavoie
  - Provided tacacs wtmp to implement -t (now -X[3|4]) option to support tacacs
    special wtmp format.

Ben Deptola
  - Suggested the -b option.

Scott Burch
  - Suggested -o option to support tacacs old wtmp format. Provided wtmp for

Edward S. Marshall
  - Added functionality to the Makefile and FSSTND compliance.

Thomas Pawlikaniec
  - Got me to implement clipping finally.
  - Suggested --help option.
  - Made C code comments reflect reality.
  - Suggested -x option.

Erik Horn
  - Suggested allowing wildcards for -T option.

Thomas Moore
  - Contributed patmatch() code for wildcarding.

Marcelo ?
Luis Felipe Balbinot
James Murray
  - Helped diagnose and provided wtmp files to fix daylight savings time
    problem.  Also bugged the hell out of me. =)

Daniel Lafraia
  - Helped diagnose and provided wtmp files to fix daylight savings time
    problem.  Also bugged the hell out of me. =)
  - Provided Cistron Radius radwtmp and detail for testing.  Necessitated -C

Jason Philbrook
  - Provided radius detail file and other files for helping implement radius

Jaime Garcia Ghirelli
  - Provided tacacs 4.x wtmp for sac to support (via -X4) it's new utmp format.
  - Pointed out problem with -t option.

Bruno Lopes F. Cabral
  - Pointed out problems with -t option when used with -s and/or -e.
  - Suggested --version option.
  - Suggested gnuplot graphs for usage. (looking into it).

Jordan Mendelson
  - Showed me how screwed up my radius processing was.
  - Suggested allowing more than one wtmp on the command line (make -w option
    list oriented).

Dave Anderson
  - Discovered bug with -w where cleanup() was not called after each wtmp.
  - Detected problem in radius processing where the last radius entry would
    be lost due to end of file detection.
  - Detected problem in output of the report when compiled with older libs
    and/or compilers.
  - Ran tests that suggest using fclose() in doitradius() and possibly
    unbuffering radius input reduces memory usage in sac.

Ronald Wiplinger
  - Suggested stripping leading !'s from usernames in radius detail files.
  - Suggested removing @hostname from usernames in radius detail files.
  - Inspired -D option.

Facchini Stefano (and at least one other)
  - Suggested to format time in H:M:S instead of fractions of hours.
    --hms, --hm, --hours, --round.

Luis Felipe Balbinot
  - Suggested the -i option and provided wtmp for testing.

Jon Lewis
  - Suggested radius processing wouldn't be complete if it didn't account
    for stop records with no start records at the beginning of a log.

Raimundo Alba
  - Provided detail log entries for testing with yet another version of
  - Suggested Makefile define for name of "detail" file for with other
  - Suggested the -l option.

Craig Sanders
  - provided information on changes necessary to make sac compile under
    glibc 2.0.

Jerzy Hodor
  - Suggested that sac give up processing a log and just report what it has
    if it hits a time warp instead of trying to go ahead and deal with a bad
    log, which consumes major memory and CPU time.

Thomas Roessler
  - Contributed fixterm.c source, to fix xterm logouts in wtmp file.

Doug Woodward
  - Suggested @<file> includes for -u, -x, -T and -H options.
  - Suggested -R <wildcard> to easily select multiple radius logs.
  - Pointed out that -x should remove users specified by -u option from

Bert de Bruijn
  - Pointed out problem with clipping causing segmentation fault and
    provided wtmp for testing.

Tomas Pospisek
  - Provided radwtmp to debug Cistron radius support.
  - Discovered bug in rawtmp w/ reguard to radwtmp files.
  - Suggested I tell people where to get sac in my README and INSTALL files.
  - Suggested minor sub-version numbers. ARGH!

Dmitry Blednov
  - Spotted error with -l when logins wrapped past midnight.

Claudio Neves
  - Discovered problem with min/max output when processing more than one log
    at a time.  Provided radius logs for testing.
  - Suggested -m work with -p.
  - Suggested -l option be able to show Framed-IP-Address as the "hostname"
    for radius logs instead of NAS-IP-Address.

Seth Chaiklin
  - Discovered problem in tty reporting where # logins reported with -a
    option was incorrect.
  - Suggest removal of punctuation from output.
  - Suggested simultaneous tty usage option (-U) and helped debug the -U

Charles Edinaldo Vila
  - Discovered bug in radius detail processing where a null username would
    crash sac.  Null usernames are now reported with the username of

Shuman Anam
  - Requsted option to ignore specific amount of time before beginning
    accounting (-I option).  Useful for this kind of accounting:
	First X hours: free, charge after X hours of usage:
	Time slots A: Tk a/min   B: Tk b/min   C: Tk c/min

Bob Phillips
  - Provided new sac.cgi and sac.html files as example scripts.  Works with
    RADIUS but can be easily modified to work with wtmp.

Andre Gerhard
  - Discovered that shutdowns with a line of ~~ where not being considered.
  - Suggested the --cutoff and --discard options.

Denzil Palmer
  - Discovered problem with packet accounting and per user reporting.

Robert Dalton
  - Discovered multiple problems with packet accounting and per user
  - Supplied detail file for testing, and verified accuracy.

  Plus others who might have gotten lost in the heap of mail I get from all
the mailing lists I subscribe to.  Mostly these people just complain, so who
cares eh? =)